Embarrassing Moment Ever

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Every individual human being has their own embarrassing moment happend to them. Sometimes most of us don't like talking about it or even sharing it with other people. Well, I don' have the problem sharing it. My embarrassing moment that ever happened to me was!! It was four and half years ago, on a winter season. I live here in Washington State most part of WA get's cold, I meant freezing cold. Anyway, I think it was the month of January, mid-week. Preparing to get my kids to school. I haven't gone outside that morning, but I know it got cold all night for we have to run our faucet for the night so that the water would not freeze up. I was about to go outside (we don't have a car garage by the way) and start my car for the kids to warm when I take them to school. I took a step outside and took one step forward and I didn't make it another step for I have landed on the rough butt down. I didn't realized that the front porch of the house was frozen solid. I landed on my behind,it hurts so bad , I endure the pain, I got up so quick and look around so see if someone saw me. I am sure someone did.

I took my kids to school like nothing happened, but man, that hurt so bad!When I got back form dropping kids to school I soaked my whole body in the bath tub with epsome salt so that my skin would not bruise ( I get bruise up easily) up.

That's one of the embarrassing moment I had. To read more of Embarrassing Moment Story, I urge you visit One Of Dragon's Embarrassing Moments(Just One Of Many .


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