Someone had hacked this blog of mine that I needed to redo everything. According to my source someone had install some code on this blog and causes for me notto access it and some of my visitors.
For the maintime I am putting things back together on this blog. Installing my template all over again causes me to lost of my blog roll list. So.... I am in the mids of redoing my blog roll so be patient with me guys. And if you do not see your link on my blogroll please let me know . Thank you for your patient.
Lost My Blog Roll
Monday, November 30, 2009
Posted by Jane at 11:14 PM 1 comments
Birth Day
Saturday, November 28, 2009
few more day and it is my son's birthday. Just the other day he was showing me his birthday list, his birthday list include, DSi game,sandisk so that he will be able to download game over the internet and play it on her DSi.
He will be turning 13 the 7th of December. Seems like not too long ago when he was just born, and now he is turning 13, and he is almost tall as me. And meron na rin syang bigote lol.
Posted by Jane at 6:26 PM 3 comments
SKy Watch # 3
Friday, November 27, 2009
After raining all day and all night last night the sky is pretty clear today, here my entry for my sky watch friday .
Posted by Jane at 3:12 PM 0 comments
Charter's Daily Deal
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
This is a Sponsored Post written by me on behalf of Charter Communication. All opinions are 100% mine. is ending a year of groundbreaking sweepstakes and offerings with one last push—and it’s best of the year. You could win some great prizes by visiting Charter’s Daily Deal Web Site . You could win great deals on Charter Cable, Internet and Phone services, including FREE Gift Cards with special online deals and a chance to win cool prizes for the holidays. From Black Friday to Cyber Monday, charter is offering gift cards worth up to $200 with special online deals. Gift cards from major retailers in electronics, clothing, home, accessories, and restaurants save you shopping money when you need it most!
After Cyber Monday, charter begin 38 days of specials. We’re giving out great gifts, prizes and deals every day, from iPods, Camcorders, TVs, GPS units, webcams, Photo frames, and more. Charter even got some great Showtime schwag to give away like Dexter, The Tudors, and Californication. ZIf you are a fan HBO, charter have Big Love and Entourage box-sets too.
Over the last two years, Charter has outpaced the industry in creative and newsworthy Sweepstakes including great prizes like an HDTV-a-day, Toyota Prius, a new 2010 Chevy Camaro 2SS, Xbox 360s and more. So if want to keep up with all the daily deals? become a fan of Charter on Facebook and they’ll be updating it every day through the holidays with all the latest.
Posted by Jane at 9:09 PM 0 comments
What Does Your Sleeping Position Say About You?
Sunday, November 22, 2009
As I was visiting Imelda blog,I saw a quiz that she posted Friday and tag me and few other bloggers. I am pleased to take this quiz and share it to blogoshpere.
Anywho here is the result:
Your Sleeping Position Says You Need Comfort |
You are secretly sensitive, but you often put up a front. Shy and private, you yearn for security. You take relationships slowly. You need lots of reassurances before you can trust. If you don't get enough sleep, you are: Cranky and a big baby It's hard to sleep next to you because: You are a light sleeper |
It is quiet interesting how we can find out what it mean little thing that we do in life. Everyone are welcome to take this quiz. Happy blogging everyone.
Posted by Jane at 1:48 PM 0 comments
Sky Watch Friday # 2
Friday, November 20, 2009
It's that time of the week again, sky watch Friday. Sky here in Seattle is very-very gloomy. As you can see on the image below. It is depressing, we had one storm to another. It has been raining constantly... we have a little break today, but look like it is about to rain again. That is my sky watch for today.
Posted by Jane at 1:12 PM 2 comments
Get Everything You Want in Life
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
The biggest drag in life seems to be when routine sets in and you lose all sense of purpose. What makes this even worse is when chaos sets in from some area of life, such as with finances, and causes you to feel like you're losing control over everything. Here's how to get back control and accomplish all the things you want to do.
Identify What You Want to Accomplish In order to get started in the right direction you have to know what you're aiming for. To do this, you need to write down everything you want to do. Make a list of things you need to accomplish. It may help to start with the things you need to get more control over, such as finances, organization, etc. List every goal you can think of whether it's large or small. You can even include menial tasks in your list, such as "do all my laundry." The important thing is to write it ALL down. Identify Obstacles Make a second column after the first one. In this column, write down everything that's preventing you from accomplishing that task. Be completely honest. If it's not enough money, write it. If it's not enough time, write it. If there is nothing preventing you from getting something done, write that down. Identifying any obstacles that are preventing you from accomplishing anything is one of the most important elements here. This will serve two purposes - it will highlight all the things you can do that you've just been lazy about (such as laundry), and it will give you an idea on what you need to overcome to get those items crossed off your list. What's important to realize at this point is that the underlying cause is, ultimately, that inaction is the number one thing preventing you from doing all these things. This leads you to the next column. Formulate a Plan Make a third column and write down a plan of action now that you know what's preventing you from accomplishing everything you want. The reality is that you have to take action, and without having a plan, you'll just keep spinning your wheels and nothing will get done. If one of your obstacles is not enough money, maybe you can write down ideas on how to make more money, how to spend less money, or how to get a handle on your finances. If there is nothing preventing you from doing something, write down that you need to JUST DO IT! If your goal is "Learn to ride a motorcycle", and not having a motorcycle is what's preventing you, write down "find a friend with a motorcycle" or "save money for a motorcycle". Write down anything that comes to mind. Put Your Plan Into Action Now that you have a plan, you need to act on it. It is all up to you at this point.
Utilize External Resources If you're trying to get your finances in order, enlist the help of a financial advisor, look up articles on how to save money, etc. There are plenty of resources out there that are readily available for free.Resolve to do whatever it takes to get your life in order or accomplish the things you want. If one thing doesn't work, do not give up. Simply reevaluate your plan and make adjustments. Try to find new ideas on how to accomplish the things on your list.
Realize that not all things happen overnight. It may take some time, but nothing is outside your grasp if you're determined to do it.
Posted by Jane at 12:05 PM 0 comments
Secure Corporate Instant Messenger for business
Monday, November 16, 2009
Brosix IM Client Brosix is a powerful and easy-to-use Enterprise Instant Messenger software suite. It allows companies to create their own instant messaging networks and manage users through on online control panel.
A private Instant Messaging network is one of most important and effective ways to increase security and productivity at your office.
Brosix provides a rich set of unique features and tools, like our award winning White Board and Screen Sharing. Video conferencing, voice chatting, and other tools make Brosix an indispensible tool for any business looking to improve security and productivity. Brosix is an instant messaging product designed to provide a real-time collaboration for your enterprise, work-group or clients.
Create your own Instant Messenger in a minute. Creating a custom instant messaging network is fast and easy: Just simply sign up using their simple form, create your users from the control panel, distribute the application by emailing a link or the actual app. For more information, please visit
Posted by Jane at 3:11 PM 2 comments
Hail, Thunder & Lightening in North
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Early yesterday NW weather turn out really quite nice. But later yesterday, the thunder, lightning came. After thunder and lightning the hail came along. Darn....Seattle weather is very unpredictable. We were on the way to Fred Myers and wall mart when the hail came pouring. Traffic were slowing down all over, few accident happened in 405. We did not get to go to Wall mart, because of this darn hail. The freeway was bumper to bumper because of the hail, we decided to turn around and not to risk going to wall mart. But we did buy few things that we really needed at Fred Myers.
NW weather is very complicated, one or two day you will see the sun partially then the weather will turn around and ruin the day. Good thing I got a chance to take a picture for the skywatch before the weather really turned ugly.
Posted by Jane at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Sky Watch Friday
Friday, November 13, 2009
I just joint sky watch Friday. I thought this would be fun, since the sun decided to come out today after two weeks of rain here in Seattle. It would be nice to share this picture that I took to Sky Watch FridayThe sky is so blue and calming, relaxing and inviting.
Posted by Jane at 2:39 PM 4 comments
I think I am Depress
I have been feeling so down lately and I don't fell like talking to anybody.They said that people go to depression in different ways. One may sleep too much, while another sleeps too little. Some people don't eat enough and lose weight, while others overeat and gain weight.
I am one of the two mention above. I sleep late and wake up too early, I am very irritable, and I think I have been eating a lot that I have gained weight:((. I go through this situation once in awhile, I know that is it not healthy. I tried doing things to occupy myself. I think I am just homesick, I don't know! Felt like I want to run a long run or go on the top of the mountain and cry out loud. My gosh! I think I am losing my mind.
Posted by Jane at 2:01 PM 1 comments
I Love Pink- Pinktastic Meme
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This is my first time to join Pink Meme. So, I am joining "I love pink-Pintastic" at Charlotte Victoria. I like pink color but I wasn't really crazy about it. But when my daughter was 7 she really loves pink. She would love to have pink color in any stuff, from clothing to toys. She was crazy about pink. When she turn 8 two years ago, she started liking light blue and purple.
There is certain pink I like, light pink and medium dark pink and that goes toward by LG cell phone. I have a medium pink color on my cell phone.
I must say pink is stunning color and goes with any color basically. I thank Charlotte Victoria for inviting me for this wonderful Pink Meme. Every one are welcome to join this meme.
Posted by Jane at 11:14 AM 3 comments
Support Our Military Personnel
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
There are many options on how to support our military personnel whether they are overseas at home. The following tips are ideas on how to support our military.
Living in a democracy means the most important thing you can do is to oppose any unnecessary deployments no matter who orders them.Participate in support organizations that send letters military stationed overseas. Purchase telephone cards and donate them to organizations who mail them to overseas military personnel. Participate in organizations that make and send homemade gifts such as scarves, mittens and the like. Yahoo Groups has several groups that support our veterans by making homemade items for our vets.
Say thank you if you happen to meet someone who is serving our country. Offer to support the local military relief society. Relief societies are usually found at most military installations. Invite a soldier, sailor, airman marine, or coastguardsman home for a holiday dinner. Contact the local military installation's family services unit to see if they maintain a list of military personnel interested in joining you for dinner.Honor military families by contributing to the Toys For Tots program. Most military families live on limited budgets and remembering military kids during the holidays will brighten their spirits. Military and non-military families can participate in the Toys for Tots program. It is not a program for only military families.
Posted by Jane at 12:54 PM 0 comments
Cope with Minor Illnesses
Monday, November 9, 2009
It is that time of the year again. Cold Season. When you come down with the sniffles, the flu, or a cold,make sure you take care of it, before it turns into something worse.
1. Don't do too much. If you know you're sick or feel yourself getting a scratchy throat, don't overwork yourself. Get to bed early that night and wear thick socks to bed.
2. Wear warm clothes. If you still feel sick in the morning, put on a sweater or robe when you get out of bed and put socks on if you slept with your socks off. If you have a fever you don't have to bundle up as much, but you should still wear as much as you feel comfortable with
3. Brush your teeth, gums, and tongue really well to kill any germs in your saliva. Rinse with mouthwash.
4. Use hot water. If you have a cold, wash your face with hot water; for a fever, wash with cold but not too cold.
5. Take a hot bath if you have a cold, and a room-temperature bath if you have a fever.
6. Have a substantial breakfast with the freshest ingredients you have; this means real food like fruit and toast or cereal if you're in a pinch. Whatever you, do don't skip breakfast, unless you feel like you're going to throw up. If you're going to throw up, have a little bit of some bread or similar dough products.
7. Have a hot drink with your breakfast, and make a thermos of some hot liquid to take to work or school.
8. Stock your purse or backpack with the following on-the-go supplies:
Halls or other sore throat/cold lozenges;
A thermos full of hot liquid.
9. Wear the most comfortable clothes you can - at school, you'll probably be allowed to wear a sweater and track pants, but if you have to work in a professional setting then at least wear comfortable shoes.
10. Don't exert yourself too much. Walk slowly and sit down as much as possible.
11. Take short breaks every hour or so. If you work at a desk, put your head in your arms on the desk and close your eyes for a few minutes to refresh yourself.
If you need to sneeze but you don't have a tissue, sneeze into your armpit instead of your hands to reduce the spread of germs. Tea and broth-based soups are the best liquids to drink when you're sick. Coffee can make you jittery and nauseous. Ginger Ale commonly works, too.In the end, the only thing that can kill the cold virus is your body's immune system. Your goal for the next few days should be to make yourself as comfortable and rested as possible so your body can do it's work.
Don't share any food, drinks, or any object that goes in your mouth with other people.Throw dirty tissues into the toilet, or into a paper bag just for this purpose. If you have a very high fever, take a fever-reducer like Tylenol and then towel yourself off with cool water, especially behind the neck and under arms. This will lower the fever. If the fever does not get lower than 103, then call the doctor Check dosages for all medicine you take, go to for child dosages. If you're feeling really bad, just stay home. If you force yourself to go to work you'll make yourself more sick and will end up staying home for even longer. If the illness lasts for more than 2 weeks or is accompanied by ear pain, hoarseness, difficulty breathing, rash or muscle aches, see your doctor. It could be a more complicated disease requiring antibiotics.
Posted by Jane at 6:45 PM 1 comments
Aromatherapy Skin Cleansing Creams
Friday, November 6, 2009
Aromatherapy can help you to take care of your skin by mixing aromatherapy oils into your own cleansing creams and lotions. You will soon realize how much you can improve your overall appearance and well being without too much fuss and expense. Also, you will benefit from the soothing aromas of the oils.
1. Use your favorite un perfumed cleansing cream or milk.
2. Add any of the following aromatherapy oils, either singly or in combination for each skin type. The ratio is two drops of oil to every 4 fl oz (100 ml) of cleanser:
Normal skin: Rose, neroli, lavender, sandalwood
Dry skin: Chamomile, geranium, rose and ylang-ylang
Combination skin: Lavender, geranium
Chapped, cracked skin: Benzoin and chamomile
Hyper-sensitive skin: Chamomile, neroli, jasmine, rose
Broken capillaries: Neroli, rose, lemon and peppermint
3. Clean your skin morning and night. An effective cleansing routine will balance your skin, helping it to function properly. All skin types need to be cleansed twice a day. Beauty therapists found that a lot of clients who would not dream of going to bed without cleansing their skin don’t bother to do so in the morning. However, cleansing in the morning is really important. Your skin throws out toxic waste products while you sleep and if you apply moisturizer straight on to your skin, you are actually preventing this shedding process from being effective.
Follow these routines as suits your skin:
Normal skin cleansing:Morning: Use either a cleansing milk or a balanced cleansing bar.Evening: Remove make-up with cleansing milk then repeat with milk or a cleansing bar.Oily skin cleansing: Morning: Either use cleansing milk or a balanced cleansing bar, if you prefer to wash your face. Evening: First use a cleansing milk to remove all traces of make-up. Then wash your face with a balanced cleansing bar. Dry skin cleansing: Morning: Use a cleansing cream. Massage it into your face with your fingers thoroughly then remove.Evening: Use cleansing milk to remove make-up. Cleanse again using cleansing cream. Combination skin cleansing: Morning: As for oily skin, pay particular attention to nose, chin and forehead areas. Evening: As for oily skin, be gentle on your cheeks and if they are dry repeat the cleansing process with a milk cleanser rather than by washing your face. Hyper-sensitive skin cleansing: Morning: Use cleansing milk or cream specially made for very sensitive skin. Avoid skin washes. Evening: Remove make-up with a cleansing milk. Repeat the cleansing using a cream. Be gentle when removing cleanser.
Try some plain, old extra virgin olive oil to help condition your skin. A little bit goes a long ways on wet skin right out of the shower. Smear it all over and rubbing in, then you dry off the remaining water drops and get dressed. Just use a lot less.
Things You'll Need
Essential oils as described above
Unperfumed cream or cleansing milk
Clean container
Cotton wool
Posted by Jane at 6:09 PM 0 comments
Tragedy at Fort Hood
Thursday, November 5, 2009
I was watching news at msnbc when the breaking news came on. Early afternoon Texas time, 1:00 pm something, there were shooting at Fort Hood in Texas. Fort Hood is the biggest Military base in the world. According to the news there were 12 people killed and 31 wounded in the shootings. According to the news, the shooter was a psychiatrist, and had worked Walter Reed Army Medical Center before practicing at Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort Hood He was about to be deploy in Iraq. And was disturbed about his deployment.
A bunch of people got killed and injured. It was devastating, let us take a moment of silence for the people who got killed on this horrific tragedy. My sympathy goes to all people who lost their love one and to all who got injured from this incident.
Posted by Jane at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Got a second check from Inbox dollar
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
This is my second check from inboxdollar. It was not a big chunk but it is something. If want to earn some extra buck at inboxdollar just visit the link above and register, Be Rewarded for Your Online Activities.
Posted by Jane at 12:48 PM 1 comments
Stop Itching And Dry Scalp
Monday, November 2, 2009
Has your hair lost its natural bounce and shine? Does your scalp itch, or flake embarrassingly? It doesn't have to stay that way, you can repair your hair and scalp with a variety of products. There are shampoos and conditioners out there that can help. Your hair and scalp need care and attention just like the rest of you, so listen to its signals. If it doesn't look good, and it doesn't feel good, it's probably time for a change. If you're aware of your hair type and your options, and you use the knowledge well, you never have to have a bad hair day again.
First and foremost, know your hair. There are thousands of different hair care products out there, but they will only be as effective as possible if you match them up with your hair type appropriately. If your hair is dry and brittle, you need a rich, moisturizing shampoo and conditioner to help quench your locks, to restore their supple shine. If your hair is fine or thin, using a rich shampoo can make it even more limp and drab, taking away what little body it has,and a conditioner to match will only make it worse. People with fine hair should go for a light, clear shampoo, and may not even want to condition their hair on a daily basis, to avoid weighing your hair down.
People with oily hair have it rough. You would think that thorough, frequent washing would help unload greasy locks and keep your hair nice and light, but unfortunately, that's not how it works. Frequent washing dries out your scalp, causing oil-producing glands to work overtime, making the top of your hair even oilier, while the bottom of your hair dries out.
Shampoo once a day at most, and condition the ends of your hair thoroughly. Of course, you can have the most beautiful hair in the world, and a little dandruff will spoil the look completely. Luckily, most dandruff can be treated by frequent use of a dandruff shampoo and conditioner. You don't have to use it every day, if you prefer another conditioner, but continued use will help prevent future dandruff. If you have an extreme case, and dandruff shampoos don't do the trick, you may have psoriasis on your scalp. Many cases of psoriasis of the scalp can be treated and controlled with a shampoo that contains coal tar. It might sound funny, but it works wonders. It's worth a try, for beautiful hair and a healthy scalp.
Many of the scalp problems can be solved with just using the right kind of shampoo. Don't given in to the itch to scratch your scalp as that can result in damage to your scalp in the form of wounds. These wounds over time may heal, but it can also cause various types of scalp skin problems. The best way to stop your scalp from itching is to use shampoo and wash your head; however it may just stop the itching for a while. Another remedy would be to use lemon juice on your scalp. Just squeeze a fresh lemon and apply it to your scalp, at first if they are any wounds you will feel a slight burning sensation but that should subside after a few minutes and then you should be absolutely scratch free, then you can wash your scalp of the lemon juice.
Posted by Jane at 3:20 PM 1 comments
October EC Dropper
Once again, my big appreciation to all blogger who had dropped on in blog in the month of October. I appreciate all the visit, I hope that you will continue visiting. Once again. THANK YOU!
Bits and Pieces
Basic Bloganomics
Me and My Dog
Life's Pen @ Work
pensive thoughts
beautiFuL laNguage..
Posted by Jane at 1:10 PM 0 comments